November 2, 2023, 5:00 PM

For many in the Church they're oblivious of the attacks that come against God's children.  This is because they're in the building, but not in the Church.  For those of us that are in the Body of Christ the battles are real, and hard.  The Apostle Paul told the young Pastor Timothy, "Yes, all those that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." 2 Tim, 3:12.  It's a given, if your gonna be the real deal persecution will happen.  But the good news is that God will always supply the necessary grace to overcome these attacks.  

But sadly too many don't experience that grace, because they don't have real faith.  The Bible tells us we are saved by grace through faith.  This tells us we have access to all the necessary grace as we put our faith in Jesus.  This means putting our faith in Jesus before the battle comes if we hope to endure the fight.  This is trusting Jesus to prepare us for the battles ahead, and being the strength to endure through the battle.  This is a faith that is built up through our relationship with Him as the Holy Spirit guides us through His Word to know the God of the Bible and build our faith in Him.  This is where so many fail.  

So many will say they put their faith in God, but sadly they don't even know who the God of the Bible is, so when the enemy attacks their faith will fail, because they don't really know the God they say they put their faith in.  This type of person will not be able to stand when the enemy comes rushing at them, but instead when things get heated they run to their abilities to save them, rather than wait on the God of the Bible to miraculously deliver them.  

But there is hope.  Anyone that will turn to the God of the Bible will find His mercy endures forever.  They will find the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.  They will find whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Those that actually do what the Bible says find out the God of the Bible is always greater than, and never fails.  They will soon develop a trust in the God of the Bible that will see them through the darkest storms, and victory over the greatest enemies.  Those that know the God of the Bible soon find out; God's Got This.  

The Battle's are Real, but so is the God of the Bible.

Love you guys...Pastor