What to Expect?
When you come through the doors of CCOG you have every right to expect to encounter the presence of God. What will that mean for you?
It will mean, if you have yet to surrender your life to Jesus Christ God will reach out to you in love and conviction. Making you aware of your need for Jesus, and offering you forgiveness of your sins and eternal life.
It will mean, if you are hurting or burdened you will be encountered by God's mercy and grace, sparking hope that Jesus will make things better.
It will mean, if you are battling with sin there are others here to support you, without condemnation, in your struggle to be set free, and know what it is for Jesus to deliver you.
It will mean, if you desire to know more about the God that loves you you can learn from sound biblical teaching, that recognizes the authority of Jesus Christ and His Bible.
It will mean, you will have the opportunity to worship God in Spirit and Truth along with other believers.
It will mean, you will have opportunities to serve in Holy Spirit established ministries that are reaching out to the World.
It will mean, when you walk through the doors of CCOG you are meeting with the Body of Christ.
Come And See.